
透過國際交流與產學合作,結合國內、外研究資源,一方面堅實翻譯基礎理論的研究(含實務能力本位的訂定),一方面加強如 「翻譯專業詞庫」建置的應用性研究工作;並擴大研究成果,帶動翻譯相關學術的發展。 
技職教育的目標,除了實務能力的養成,就是產學合作的推展;本系除配合業界的需求,積極進行相關的產學合作計畫,如會展相 關活動翻譯服務及翻譯軟體的開發或改進專案等,並藉此提供學生實習機會,增進其專業實務能力。 
由於國際的交流往來與日俱增,外語接待與文件翻譯的需求也日益迫切,如2009年高雄世運會與年國際獅子會年會與會外國人 士的接待,還有科學園區技術文件的翻譯等需求,本系與學校翻譯會展服務中心合作,提供專業化的服務與諮詢。 
配合「全球化」的發展趨勢,多國間的互動日益頻繁,因此「多國語複譯」的需求勢不可免;而本校原就設有英、日、法、德、西 等語言科系,故結合校內相關資源並借重國際有經驗的專業人士,從事多國語複譯訓練方面的開發與研究,是本系無可旁貸的責任。

本所之設立宗旨,在於為台灣培養實務型的多國語高級筆譯與口譯人才、國際會展服務人才、軟體與網頁本土化翻譯工程師、專業詞彙專家、翻譯編審、翻譯項目經理等,培育其具備「外語」及「翻譯」之專業知能,擁有多國語複譯能力且具有跨學科知識的高級翻譯與新興外語服務產業人士及管理人士。 另外,考慮到當前台灣翻譯專業師資缺乏之現狀,本所亦將為大專校院培養兼具翻譯理論與實務經驗的口筆譯教學師資,及新興外語服務產業與管理方面的師資。 具體而言,本所之教育目標乃在培養學生具備以下能力:


Goals and visions
We encourage our students and professors to actively devote themselves to academic researches, international exchanges, industry-academic cooperation, community services and professional internship. We expect that while we are developing our features, we can also complete the following achievements:
Cultivating the Translation Talents
As above mentioned, we cultivate the translation talents who equip themselves with the abilities of ESP that the industries need the most via our programs.
Key Position of Translation-related Academic Research
Through the international exchanges and the industry-academic cooperation, we consolidate the researches of translation theory by combining both the domestic and foreign sources and strengthen the applied researches such as building up the database of translation terminology. We also would like to extend our researches into leading the studies of translation.
Promoting Industry-academic Cooperation
The goals of technical and commercial education aim to rich students’ practical experiences and develop the industry-academic cooperation. We actively form the cooperation plans and encourage students to join the conference-translation services and the projects of translation software. We hope that, by offering students the internship, they can improve their own professional practical ability.
Regional Translation and Interpreting Service Center
Due to the frequent international exchanges, such as World Games in Kaohsiung in 2009 and International Lion Club Annual Session, the demand of foreign languages reception personnel and document translation is urgent. Cooperating with Translation and Conference Service Center of our school, we offer the professional service and language counseling.

Pioneer of Multilingual Translation and Interpreting
Cater for globalization and frequent interactions among the countries. Thus, “multilingual translation and interpreting” is inevitable. There are several language departments in our school: English, Japanese, French, German and Spanish, so we combine the relevant resources with ours and recruit experienced professionals in order to have more development and research in multilingual translation and interpreting trainings.





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