
本系系徽由第一屆二技部學生宋芝瑜、饒詠惠及王瓊慧設計而成。系徽以綠色及白色作為基調,其中的地球象徵翻譯系學生具備恢宏的世界觀、全球觀(Global vision),T&I代表本系的系名Translation & Interpreting,同時也象徵文藻歷史悠久的大門。系徽主體代表翻譯系學生透過文藻認識這個世界,未來將會立足文藻、放眼國際。系徽上飛揚的四條彩線不僅代表在文藻四年燦爛的大學生活,也象徵未來翻譯系學生都會有傑出、卓越的表現(with flying colors),定不辜負翻譯系師長的殷殷期望。

The department logo is designed by Z.Y. Song, Y.H. Rao, Q.H. Wang, who were students from the first graduating class. Using green and white as main background colors, the globe symbolizes the fact that a student from the Translation and Interpreting Department must possess a global mindset and global vision. T&I represents Translation & Interpreting, and the two letters also resembles to the historical arch located at the entrance of the campus. The logo also means that the students will learn about the world through their studies at Wenzao, and will “think globally” in the future. The four colored stripes represent the four colorful years students get to spend at Wenzao and also symbolize the outstanding and remarkable performance by the students, who work hard to meet the expectations of the T&I teachers.





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