1987年 文藻外語專科學校五專部設立六年制翻譯組課程
image 至1999年共有八屆翻譯組畢業學生
image 邀請口、筆譯經驗豐富的專家與本校交流
1990年 成立思源翻譯社
image 為翻譯組學生提供實習機會,增強實務經驗
1999年 改制為文藻外語學院,英國語文系設立口、筆譯學程
image 設置與聯合國、歐盟同等級的同步口譯設備
image 累積了更豐富的口、筆譯教學經驗
image 擁有一批實務經驗豐富的教師
2005年 成立文藻外語學院翻譯系
image 師資全部畢業於國內外翻譯研究所或翻譯中心,並且均有豐富的實務經驗,?? 是全 台灣最專業化的翻譯教學師資
image 教學目標更加注重培養實務型的專業口、筆譯人才
image 9月招收二技新生27名,四技新生47名
image 11月翻譯系有兩位同學隨文藻「台灣口譯人才國際實務實習訓練」代表團赴歐盟、歐盟口譯中心、比利時三所大學參訪
2006年 翻譯系進一步發展
image 5月翻譯系有五同學赴上海外國語大學翻譯系及高等翻譯學院參訪交流
image 8月聘請到比利時布魯塞爾ISTI高級翻譯學院院長達賴教授 ?? (Prof. Frans De Laet)等多位教師到翻譯系任教
image 8月翻譯系師資從原來的四位專任教師增加到五位專任教師、兩位專案 教師及兩位兼任教師
image 9月招收第二屆二技新生26名和四技新生61名
image 9月翻譯系有四位同學赴比利時布魯塞爾高等翻譯學院(ISTI)留學半年
image 9月翻譯系卓越教學計畫開始執行
image 10月英語補救教學與法語班在翻譯系開班
image 配備有電腦輔助翻譯軟體TRADOS及英語教學與測試軟體的翻譯系「數位專業 翻譯訓練教室」在2006年12月新落成的至善樓4樓建成
image 翻譯系成立迄今已經同產業界和官方機構、志工服務團體開展了十多項 產學合作案
2007年 翻譯系持續發展
image 2月有6-10名同學到台北萬象翻譯公司接受為期半年的專業翻譯訓練
image 9月第二批翻譯系同學將赴比利時布魯塞爾高等翻譯學院(ISTI)留學
image 與澳洲一些大學的交流計畫正在研議中
image 9月95學年度翻譯系二技應屆畢業生皆通過大專英檢280分之畢業門檻;且三分之一 的同學考取國內外研究所及成為業界專業翻譯師!
2008年 翻譯系持續發展
image 1月學生至南科和北部相關領域企業參訪
image 8月翻譯系師資從原來的五位專任教師、兩位專案教師及兩位兼任教師,增加成七 位專任教師、一位專案教師及三位兼任教師
image 9月招收二技新生37名四技新生61名
2009年 翻譯系持續發展
image 3月學生3名至北京外國語大學及上海外國語大學參訪
image 3月舉辦多國語複譯:國際會展與經濟發展國際研討會,邀請國際知名學者演 講,分享實務經驗及給予寶貴建議
image 8月翻譯系師資從原來的五位專任教師、一位專案教師及三位兼任教師,增加 成七位專任教師、一位專案教師、十位兼任教師及一位業師
image 9月招收二技新生42名四技新生50名
image 增設許多國際會展相關課程,使學生不僅擁有翻譯方面的專業,更具會展 接待實務經驗
image 10月更新翻譯系資源教室TRADOS翻譯軟體
image 10月進行多項產學合作案,增加學生翻譯接待經驗
image 11月建置多國語專業口譯教室

image 翻譯系帶領學生參與北京世界博覽會
image 非洲莫三比克聖多瑪斯大學參訪翻譯系
image 外交部南部辦事處廖港明大使至本系演講
image 開設專利翻譯就業學程課程
image 邀請短期客座教授Martin Esposito至本校授課演講

image 大師講座 Valerie Pellatt 經驗與傳承
image 邀請短期客座教授 葉子南教授至本校授課演講
image 邀請短期客座教授Maria Turatti至本校授課演講

image 3月舉辦第十七屆口筆譯教學國際研討會
image 10月舉辦台灣文學外譯國際學術研討會
image 大師講座-雲林故事館唐麗芳館長
image 大師講座-David Dupouy: The Future of Work


1987 In 1987, Wenzao Five-Year Junior College established the six-year Translation Program.
image Up to 1999, there were a total of eight academic years of graduates on Translation Program.
image Invited experienced T&I experts for academic exchange with Wenzao.
1990 In 1990, Siyuan Translation Agency was founded.
image To provide internship opportunities for students of Translation Program to enhance their practical experience.
1999 In 1999, Wenzao was upgraded into college, and the English Department established the T&I Program.
image Set up simultaneous interpretation facilities on the same level with those in the UN and EU.
image Accumulated more extensive T&I teaching experience
image Had a group of teachers with substantial practical experience
2005 T&I Department was established in 2005.
image All teachers graduated from the Institute of Translation and Interpretation abroad or domestically, with extensive practical experience, and are the most professional T&I teaching faculty in Taiwan.
image The teaching aim is to focus more on cultivating students with practical and professional translation and interpreting abilities.
image In September 27 students were recruited in the two-year college, and 47 students were enrolled in the four-year college.
image In November two students of T&I Department went with the delegation of “Taiwan Interpreting Talents International Practical Training" to visit the European Union, EU Interpreting Center, and three universities in Belgium.
2006 T&I Department furthered its development in 2006.
image In May five students went to visit the Department of Translation Studies, Shanghai International Studies University and Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation SISU for academic exchange.
image In August the Department hired Professor Frans De Laet, Dean of Institute Supérieur de Traducteurs et Intèrprètes (ISTI), in Brussels, Belgium as well as some other teachers.
image In August the Department recruited one more full-time instructor, two contract teachers and two part-time teachers.
image In September 26 students were recruited in the second year of two-year college, and 61 students were enrolled in the four-year college.
image In September four students went to study at the Institute Supérieur de Traducteurs et Intèrprètes (ISTI), in Brussels, Belgium for half year.
image In September T & I Department Teaching Excellence Project started.
image In October the English remedial teaching and French language classes began.
image Equipped with computer-assisted translation system TRADOS translation software, and English teaching and testing software in the “Digital Professional Translation Training Classroom” built in December 2006.
2007 In 2007 the T&I Department sustained its development.
image In February there were 6-10 students went to Taipei Linguitronics Co., Ltd to accept the six-month professional translation training.
image In September the second batch of students will study aboard at the Institute Supérieur de Traducteurs et Intèrprètes (ISTI), in Brussels, Belgium.
image The exchange program with some Australian universities is under deliberation.
image In September all of the two-year college graduates in the 2006-Academic-Year passed the 280 points of CSEPT English graduation threshold. One-third of the students were admitted to the graduate schools at home and abroad, and became professional translators.
2008 T & I Department sustained its development in 2008.
image In January students went to visit the Southern Taiwan Science Park and some business-related companies in northern Taiwan.
image In August the Department has seven full-time instructors, one contract teacher and three part-time teachers in total.
image In September 37 students were recruited in the two-year college, and 47 students were enrolled in the four-year college.
2009 T & I Department sustained its development in 2009.
image In March three students went to visit Beijing Foreign Studies
University and The Shanghai International Studies University.
image In March the Department held a Multilingual Translations: International MICE and International Symposium on Economic Development, and invited internationally renowned scholars to lecture and share their practical experience and valuable advice.
image In August the Department has seven full-time instructors, one contract teacher, ten part-time teachers and one professional mentor in total.
image In September 42 students were recruited in the two-year college, and 50 students were enrolled in the four-year college.
image Added many MICE related courses to help students possess not only the professional translation skills but also the practical experience of being MICE receptionists.
image In October the Department updated TRADOS translation software in the Resource Classroom.
image Conducted a number of industry-academia cooperation cases to enhance students’ experience in Mice reception and translation in October.
image Established the Professional Multilingual Interpretation Classroom in November.
image T&I Department took the students to attend the World Expo in Beijing in 2010.
image ST. Thomas University of Mozambique in Africa visited T&I Department.
image Ambassador Liao from Ministry of Foreign Affairs Southern Taiwan Office gave a lecture in the Department.
image Offered Patent Translation for Employment Program.
image Invited short-term visiting professor Martin Esposito to lecture in school
image Invited Professor Valerie Pellatt to the Master Lecture to share her experience inheritance in 2012.
image Invited short-term visiting professor Zhinan Yeh to lecture in school.
image Invited short-term visiting professor Maria Turatti to lecture in school.
image The 17th International Symposium on Translation and Interpreting Teaching was held in March, 2013.
image The International Conference on Taiwanese Literature Translation was held in October.
image Master Lecture - Yunlin Story House curator Tang Li-fang
image Master Lecture – David Dupouy: The Future of Work


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